Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Moving forward...

... I feel as though I'm the proverbial "tortoise" in Aesop's Fables.

You know, the little guy who trudged along behind everyone else, yet won because he persevered?

Terra Verde work right now is very behind the scenes and at times feels like we're moving nowhere. But the marketing plan, the product designs and packaging, and everything else that is going into this, will be foundational to our success. Action items right now are: Finish marketing plan. Finish business plan. Get every preliminary item in place so when the curtain draws, I'll be ready.

So if I keep being like that tortoise, eventually I'll win, right?


Lissie said...

Good luck with all the hard work! It is worth it! :)

Linda B said...

You go girl. Plans are a good way to go.